Friday 30 January 2015

Coursework Process

Here are screenshots of my coursework process so far when constructing my magazine front cover, film trailer and film poster.
Focusing on my magazine front cover, over the last week I have been able to complete my final magazine front cover using Photoshop on my MacBook Pro. Previously, I took different images to use for the main image on my front cover of the protagonist character "Ricky" played by Ricardo Vieira for my film "Obsess". After taking the images, I was able to compare them and decide on one image in which I thought would work most effectively grabbing the audience's attention. I followed the conventions of a film magazine in which Daniel Craig starring as James Bond featured in, by doing this I was able to follow the conventions of the successful magazine in order to construct my own magazine front cover.
I was then able to edit the image on Photoshop through the use of brightness tool and sharpness tool as well as getting rid of obvious blemishes making the image look like it has a 3D effect to it. As this is my final magazine front cover, I am pleased to say I am overwhelmed with how my final draft has come out in comparison to my magazine final front cover from last year in media. Therefore during this year, I believe I have learnt many different skills and techniques I am able to confidently use on Photoshop.
Additional research that took place when creating my front cover was how I could make the main image jump out more to the audience catching their attention straight away. I looked at different shots used on a wide range of film magazine for the main image which ranged from a long shot, to a mid shot to a close up with predominately all main images being medium shots of the model. In some aspect by using a medium shot it makes the model known to the audience as they are able to see all their facial features, expressions as well as the type of clothes they wear giving the audience the knowledge for themselves the type of personality the model has creating a personal relationship between the reader and the model.
However, a problem I encountered during the production process was that initially the image of Ricardo was behind the masthead and was not following the conventions of the magazine front cover I was following, thus I had to duplicate the image of him, using the lasso, magic eraser and eraser tool to cut around him making sure I had no background colour left. By doing this I was able to insert the image again onto the page bringing the image in front of my magazine masthead.
I then asked my target audience for feedback, asking them the following questions:-
1) Who do you think the character is on the front of the magazine front cover? The Protagonist or Antagonist?
2) Do you think the model on the front is linked to the new film "Obsess" and how do you know that?
3) What genre do you think the film "Obsess" is?
4) In general, what features do you like about that magazine front cover and does it appeal to you?

By getting feedback from my target audience I now know their opinion on my magazine front cover and know how effective and appealing my magazine front cover is to them. Straight away both of them said they knew who the model was featuring as the main image on the magazine stating that he was the protagonist character. Focusing on question two, they both said that it was clear to them that the model was linked and featured in the film "Obsess" due to the banner on the top quarter of the page as well as the tag lines on the left hand column of the magazine. As the banner says "BEHIND THE SCENES OBSESS SPECIAL" it was clear to them that my film magazine was mainly going to be about the film "Obsess". In addition to this, they both knew the genre of the film "Obsess" by looking at the magazine front cover knowing it would be an action thriller film as well as giving them the independence allowing them to think what genre the film would be which again makes my magazine front cover effective as readers may like the independence to think for themselves as well as know what genre it is and being right. Overall, by asking them what features of the magazine they like it lets me know their own separate personal reasons why my magazine appeals to them such as they liked the positioning of the model in the main image as the image has a sort of 3D effect and the main image is the first thing they see. Plus they like the house style colours used on the magazine front cover as the combination of colours all work well together. 
Above is my film poster in which I am still currently working on over the next week in order to complete the poster successfully. Over the last week, I looked at a range of different action thriller film posters deciding to focus mainly on the film "Limitless". I decided to go with a film poster that showed different action shots featuring characters in which play a main part in the film, therefore the audience are more aware of scenes that take place in the film and characters which will be starring in it creating excitement for them already before even seeing the film.
I took images in which I thought represented the film well as this is one of the first times the audience comes to terms with the film. As all the images were previously in colour I have edited them to make them black and white using the black and white effect on Photoshop as well as using the sharpness tool to make the image clearer to the audience. I am happy with the shots I have taken and how I have edited them so far in order for all the colours to work effectively together on my film poster. In addition to this, I am happy with the way I have combined all three images on the right hand side with the main image of the protagonist character on the left hand side. As I am still in the process of completing my film poster, I still need to edit the image of Ricardo giving it a slight black and white effect, plus add a credit block.
As you can see is the process of my groups film trailer for our film "Obsess", we are currently still editing our trailer using iMovie on our Macs. Over the last couple of weeks, we have managed to import all the clips we have previously filmed onto iMovie and due to this it has enabled us to start editing our film trailer, adding all our clips together following our storyboard as well as where we think the clips will work effectively. So far, with the editing we have done I am happy with how our film trailer shows a clear establishing shot, making the audience clear to the location in which our film is set. As our film is targeted at girls predominately London based if they know London well they will be able to identify this location straight away, giving the audience a connection with our film. 
Yet, we still need to work on adding more clips to the trailer to make the storyline more obvious to the audience as well as adding the soundtrack we have previously recorded on top of the clips making sure the audience can still hear the characters speaking with the soundtrack plus transitions. Additional research we have undergone so far is looking at different trailers for Taken 1, 2 and 3 and seeing what works well together music wise to make sure our music works effectively with our trailer creating suspense and thrill for our target audience. As we are still yet to complete our trailer, we haven't experienced many problems apart from the fact we have had to film more scenes as we felt as group the clips we have previously recorded didn't explain the storyline as much to the audience which could potentially make the audience confused. However, during this time we have been able to film the clips we needed therefore we are on track to complete our film trailer by Friday.

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