Friday 13 February 2015

Film Trailer Process 1st Draft to FINAL

Above is our first draft of our film trailer for our film "Obsess". We have included different types of shots ranging from an establishing shot, over the shoulder shot, low angle shots, point of view shots and long shots. By including these range of shots, we have a clear understanding of the different shots we were able to use in order to connote different meanings to the audience. We have also included voiceovers of the characters speaking in order to make the narrative clearer. However when watching the trailer as a whole, it became clear to us that the narrative was unclear. This was due to the fact that the antagonist "Michael" was unclear to the audience and he just looked like a random person in our trailer. This became clear to us when we showed our trailer to our primary audience being our media class. In addition to this, the soundtrack didn't work effectively with our film trailer as the sounds were all at a different level of volume. Plus the transitions between each scene just looked visually too jumpy and didn't work effectively. Even though as a group in our minds we knew what was occurring at each moment in the trailer, we didn't make this clear enough on our film trailer. To improve this, we decided to film more scenes, add inter titles and compose a more effective soundtrack.

Above is the second draft of our film trailer. We have filmed more scenes for our trailer with the aim of trying to make the narrative clearer. At the beginning the trailer shows an establishing shot of Putney Bridge where our film is set. This is conventional as predominately all film trailers include a an establishing shot of the location in order to set the scene. The trailer then goes on to show a scene of "Chloe" and "Sarah" in a club enjoying themselves when they were friends before the disruption stage occurs. This scene was filmed by themselves, which challenges the conventions of a trailer as scenes are normally filmed by a third person. However, we decided to go with this shot as it shows that the two girls were actually friends before the disruption stage occurred as they spent nights out together and were able to share this event with their friends via social media. We included inter titles such as "when jealous takes over" "true love exceeds the obsess" "and only he can save her" "or does everyone have a motif?" to make the narrative clearer as well as including more scenes of "Chloe" and "Ricky" showing why jealousy has occurred. Overall, when watching the whole trailer it became clear to us that the soundtracks still didn't work effectively even though we edited the timing and pace of the sound track. In addition to this, the trailer was still jumpy cutting from different scenes which could be too confusing for the audience. Plus, some shots were not filmed to a high quality with some shots being too dark or blurry. Therefore all these elements were things we had to improve on.

Above is the final draft of our film trailer for our film "Obsess". We have taken out some previous scenes in which were too dark, not of a good quality or simply weren't needed. By taking out these scenes such as "Chloe on the phone to Ricky", we were able to shoot some more scenes which would tell the narrative clearer. We filmed scenes of the three girls "Sarah, Jessica and Chloe" when they were all best friends emphasising the equilibrium stage, then going on to film the film the disruption of the equilibrium stage which is when "Chloe shows Sarah and Jessica her new boyfriend Ricky." We decided by adding these scenes, it made the narrative clearer to the audience and in some aspect some of the target audience may be able to relate to the narrative, making the film appeal to them more. In addition, as the soundtrack didn't work as well we decided to re-record the sound and edit it on Garageband. By this point, we had better knowledge on how to use Garageband so it was easier for us to edit making sure the sound worked well with the trailer to create suspense and thrill for the audience. Plus the trailer was still too jumpy even though a convention of action thriller films is the edit "jump kit". We felt it kept jumping from day to night making it too confusing, to solve this we made sure that all the equilibrium scenes were at the start as they were filmed during the day. The trailer then went on to show the disruption of the equilibrium stage and finally the attempt to repair the damage stage. By including these three stages it creates an enigma for the audience, enticing them to go and see the film. Ultimately, this is the main aim for the film trailer. 

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