Tuesday 18 November 2014

Final Plot Idea

For our final plot idea we came up with the storyline to follow the narrative theory of Tvzetan Todorov.
1st stage - Equilibrium: everything is balance
In the equilibrium stage the group of girls have just finished their last day of sixth form and as they are all the age of eighteen they are all legal to go clubbing. The group of girls have decided to celebrate by going clubbing in Central London. Therefore this will appeal to our target audience as they are London based girls so they are familiar with the location and have links to London.
2nd stage - Disruption of the Equilibrium:
In this disruption stage, whilst the girls are clubbing their drinks get spiked by a group of people in the club (antagonist characters.)
3rd stage - Recognition of the disruption:
One of the girls boyfriends (protagonist character) realises the girls have been spiked by the group and as he is a bouncer for the club he has authority. This conforms the ideologies of a male figure in an action thriller film.
4th stage - An attempt to repair the damage:
The protagonist male character goes after the group in the club on his motorbike which conforms the conventions of an action thriller film by using a motorcycles which is one of the most common use of transport. He then prepares to have a fight with them followed by many chases which are all conventions of an action thriller film.
5th stage - New Equilibrium:
The protagonist character is successful in the end and wins the battle against the antagonist characters. However this part will not be shown in our film trailer to create an enigma for the target audience. To see if the storyline would appeal to our target audience I created a survey online and sent it to our target audience that way we was able to see what they thought would be effective and what we should change. Here are the results:

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