Friday 7 November 2014

Plot Ideas

Focusing on the brief that we have been given to “produce a promotion package for a new film, to include a trailer together with a film magazine front cover, featuring the film and a poster for the film.” Our target audience are London based and aged sixteen to twenty four and are predominantly female.
The main genre for our film is thriller; therefore a possible title for our film needs to create thrill and excitement for our target audience without them seeing for the film and get them to think ‘yes I must go and watch this film’ as well as fit in with our sub-genre. As a group we decided our sub-genre is action.

Possible Title for the film:-
Ø  Absence / Absent
Ø  Anonymous / Nameless
Ø  Unforeseeable
Ø  Unexpected/ Unpredictable

Plans for the plot following the narrative theory of Tvzetan Todorov who believes all stories have three stages and a five part plan. 
Three Stages:- 
1st Stage - Equilibrium: everything is balanced, things are going well and all is fine
2nd Stage - Disruption: something goes wrong, someone has gone on a quest or a journey, a new person comes to town, the couple have had an argument
3rd Stage - Re-Equilibrium: things are balanced again, it may be different from the start but all is fine. The protagonist may have undergone a character shift. 
Five Part Plan:-

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