Tuesday 2 December 2014

Storyboard Draft

Below is my first draft for my storyboard of my film trailer. In my storyboard I included all the different shots in which I want to include in my film trailer starting with the green band, then institution ident, followed by the establishing shot and so on. For each shot I also included the type of shot the shot would be, mise-en-scene, the camera movement, the edit, the sound, the dialogue and the action occurring in each particular shot. The camera shots range from a two shot, close up, mid shot, long shot etc. The camera movements range from a stedi-cam and handheld camera as well as editing techniques range from jump cuts, fades to black to dissolves therefore making my film trailer more effective and professional - following the conventions of an action thriller film trailer. By including all of this information in each shot, it gave me a clear layout making sure I followed all the conventions of a film trailer. In addition to this, by creating a story board the construction of my film trailer will be a lot more simple as everything has already been planned out well in a clear layout.

After creating my storyboard I was then able to get feedback from my target audience.

Below is my final draft of my storyboard for my film trailer. I created this storyboard using the feedback I got from my target audience making sure my storyboard for my film trailer appealed to them.

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